I have a loop in which I'm making Ajax xmlhttp requests. This occurs within a function triggered by a window.onload event.
The Ajax calls are being made with async=false, because they need to occur in a specific order that relies on each step completing before the next can occur.
With each successive request in the loop, I'm updating a div with the xmlhttp.responseText.
Firefox is refreshing between calls as desired.
IE is not. When the loop begins, the div is populated with the pre-loop content. When the loop finishes, the div is populated with the first refresh that occurs outside of the loop.
Can someone please help?
Two attempted solutions: 1. Adding a random string to the end of the GET query string to ensure a unique url 2. Submitting with the POST method
No luck with either.
<script type="text/javascript">
function order_process() {
var err;
var queue_id = "<?= implode(':',$plans[$_REQUEST['order_queue_id']]); ?>".split(':'); // Queue ID
var queue_ax = "<?= implode(':',array_keys($plans[$_REQUEST['order_queue_id']])); ?>".split(':'); // Queue Action
i = 0;
for (step in queue_id) {
// The DIV contents that display during each loop iteration
<table style="align:left" border="0" cellpacing="1" cellpadding="1">\
<tr><td><B>Processing Order</B><span style="float:right;">Step ' + (i + 1) + '/' + queue_id.length + '</span></td></tr>\
<tr><td style="background-color:#FFFFFF;height:1.5px"></td></tr>\
<tr><td height="20" style="text-align:center">' + queue_ax[i] + '...</td></tr>\
<tr><td height="20"><IMG SRC="../../_include/images/barber_pole.gif" style="vertical-align: middle;"></td></tr>\
xmlhttp = ajax_request(); // Create request object
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function () {
if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) {
var url = '../../../api/order_process.php?api_login=' + "<?=$api_login?>" + '&api_pass=' + "<?=$api_pass?>" + "&order_id=<?= $_REQUEST['order_id']?>" + '&order_action_id=' + queue_id[step] + '&timeid=' + Math.random();
// If the response includes the string 'failed' exit the loop and render error error message
if (xmlhttp.responseText.split(',')[0] == 'failed') {
err = queue_ax[i] == 'Registering Domain'
? "<h1 class=\"landing-title\">" + fname + ', ' + "<?=$feedback[domain_register][title]?>" + "</h1><DIV class='landing-body'><?=$feedback[domain_register][body]?></DIV>"
: queue_ax[i] == 'Provisioning cPanel Account'
? "<h1 class=\"landing-title\">" + fname + ', ' + "<?=$feedback[cpanel_provision][title]?>" + "</h1><DIV class='landing-body'><?=$feedback[cpanel_provision][body]?></DIV>"
: queue_ax[i] == 'Credit Card Fraud Protection'
? "<h1 class=\"landing-title\">" + fname + ', ' + "<?=$feedback[maxmind_minfraud][title]?>" + "</h1><DIV class='landing-body'><?=$feedback[maxmind_minfraud][body]?>\"" + xmlhttp.responseText + '"</DIV>'
: queue_ax[i] == 'Verifying Payment'
? "<h1 class=\"landing-title\">" + fname + ', ' + "<?=$feedback[verify_payment][title]?>" + "</h1><DIV class='landing-body'><?=$feedback[verify_payment][body]?>\"" + xmlhttp.responseText + '"</DIV>'
: xmlhttp.responseText == 'failed,'
? "<h1 class=\"landing-title\">" + fname + ', ' + "<?=$feedback[gen_err][title]?>" + "</h1><DIV class='landing-body'><?=$feedback[gen_err][body]?></DIV>"
: "<h1 class=\"landing-title\">" + fname + ', ' + "<?=$feedback[gen_err][title]?>" + "</h1><DIV class='landing-body'><?=$feedback[gen_err][body]?>\"" + xmlhttp.responseText + '"</DIV>';
if (err) {
document.getElementById("landing-pres").innerHTML = err;
} else {
document.getElementById("barber_pole").innerHTML = "<?= $thank[$_REQUEST['order_queue_id']][1] ?>";