



I am hoping that someone can clarify what is happening here for me. I dug around in the integer class for a bit but because integer is overriding the + opporator I could not figure out what was gong wrong. My problem is with this line:

Integer i = 0;
i = i + 1;  // <- I think that this is somehow creating a new object!

Here is my reasoning: I know that java is pass by value (or pass by value of reference), so I think that in the following example the integer object should be incremented each time.

public class PassByReference {

    public static Integer inc(Integer i) {
        i = i+1;    // I think that this must be **sneakally** creating a new integer...  
        System.out.println("Inc: "+i);
        return i;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Integer integer = new Integer(0);
        for (int i =0; i<10; i++){
            System.out.println("main: "+integer);

This is my expected output:

Inc: 1
main: 1
Inc: 2
main: 2
Inc: 3
main: 3
Inc: 4
main: 4
Inc: 5
main: 5
Inc: 6
main: 6

This is the actual output.

Inc: 1
main: 0
Inc: 1
main: 0
Inc: 1
main: 0

Why is it behaving like this?

+7  A: 

There are two problems:

  1. Java is pass by value, not by reference. Changing the reference inside a method won't be reflected into the passed-in reference in the calling method.
  2. Integer is immutable. There's no such method like Integer#set(i). You could otherwise just make use of it.

To get it to work, you need to reassign the return value of the inc() method.

integer = inc(integer);

To learn a bit more about passing by value, here's another example:

public static void main(String... args) {
    String[] strings = new String[] { "foo", "bar" };
    System.out.println(Arrays.toString(strings)); // still [foo, bar]
    System.out.println(Arrays.toString(strings)); // [foo, foo]
public static void changeReference(String[] strings) {
    strings = new String[] { "foo", "foo" };
public static void changeValue(String[] strings) {
    strings[1] = "foo";
It's not really pass by value. It's pass by value of the reference.... as the only thing being passed for objects is a memory address.
Strictly speaking, for references it's "pass reference by value" and for primitives it's just "pass by value".
+1  A: 

I think it is the autoboxing that is throwing you off.

This part of your code:

   public static Integer inc(Integer i) {
        i = i+1;    // I think that this must be **sneakally** creating a new integer...  
        System.out.println("Inc: "+i);
        return i;

Really boils down to code that looks like:

  public static Integer inc(Integer i) {
        i = new Integer(i) + new Integer(1);      
        System.out.println("Inc: "+i);
        return i;

Which of course.. will not changes the reference passed in.

You could fix it with something like this

  public static void main(String[] args) {
        Integer integer = new Integer(0);
        for (int i =0; i<10; i++){
            integer = inc(integer);
            System.out.println("main: "+integer);
huh, ok that is interesting. Thanks for the auto-boxing term. Immutable also seems pretty key. Have a good weekend!
Ya look up autoboxing. Back in Java 1.4 you could only add ints with ints, or Integers with Integers. The fact you can do in any way now can be a little difficult to conceptualize just looking at code.
+4  A: 

What you are seeing here is not an overloaded + oparator, but autoboxing behaviour. The Integer class is immutable and your code:

Integer i = 0;
i = i + 1;  

is seen by the compiler (after the autoboxing) as:

Integer i = Integer.valueOf(0);
i = Integer.valueOf(i.intValue() + 1);  

so you are correct in your conclusion that the Integer instance is changed, but not sneakily - it is consistent with the Java language definition :-)

+1  A: 

If you change your inc() function to this

 public static Integer inc(Integer i) {
      Integer iParam = i;
      i = i+1;    // I think that this must be **sneakally** creating a new integer...  
      System.out.println(i == iParam);
      return i;

then you will see that it always prints "false". That means that the addition creates a new instance of Integer and stores it in the local variable i ("local", because i is actually a copy of the reference that was passed), leaving the variable of the calling method untouched.

Integer is an immutable class, meaning that you cannot change it's value but must obtain a new instance. In this case you don't have to do it manually like this:

i = new Integer(i+1); //actually, you would use Integer.valueOf(i.intValue()+1);

instead, it is done by autoboxing.

+1  A: 

The Integer is immutable. You can wrap int in your custom wrapper class.

class WrapInt{
    int value;

WrapInt theInt = new WrapInt();

System.out.println("main: "+theInt.value);
+1  A: 

You are correct here:

Integer i = 0;
i = i + 1;  // <- I think that this is somehow creating a new object!

First: Integer is immutable. I think the documentation of the Integer class is missing this.

Second: the Integer class is not overriding the + operator, there is autounboxing and autoboxinginvolved at that line (In older versions of Java you would get an error on the above line).
When you write i + 1 the compiler first converts the Integer to an (primitive) int for performing the addition. Next, doing i = <some int> the compiler converts from int to an (new) Integer.
So + is actually being applied to primitive ints.

Carlos Heuberger