I am looking for a solution just to show in a html page the name of each song when played from a mp3 player.
I just have a .txt file outputted from a software that fetches in real time each song artist and name from the mp3 tag, when a new song is being played, with this format inside (the .txt file is also autoupdated each time, like a log file does):
[24-07-2010 20:17:11] * Song 1
[24-07-2010 20:21:11] * Song 2
[24-07-2010 20:25:18] * Song 3
[24-07-2010 20:29:58] * Song ...
I need to get this data from the .txt file and put it into a html div, showing the new song name when it has been logged into the file until a new song is played.
Pretty simple I think, but I don´t know how to work with this formatted text file (it cannot be changed), instead a typical XML file.
I have founded a script that works with XML (not plain text) and the behavior is other than I expect, because it rotates the messages each 5 seconds, not just when the new song is playing:
How can I get the [DAY-MONTH-YEAR HOUR:MIN:SEC] * formatted items in javascript?
How can I update the html div, each time a new item (song) is loaded in the .txt file?
Thanks in advance for your help.