I think this is a general Java question, but it does involve some Android stuff.
So here's the deal: I've got a JNI wrapped version of MPG123 for Android, and I can pull PCM data from an MP3 file on the SDCard. I'd like to pull a chunk this data, do an analysis on it using another class I wrote, then push it into a queue. Ideally, I'd like the audio to play back with a four second delay. I achieved it with no delay using this code:
public void run()
// The actual thread where the PCM data gets processed and analyzed
short[] pcm = new short[ 4096 ];
short[] zero = new short[ 4096 ];
Queue<short[]> buffer = new LinkedList<short[]>();
// Fill the zero buffer
for( int i = 0; i < 4096; i++ )
zero[i] = 0;
// Push back 4 seconds of silence - Note this commented section
//for( int i = 0; i < 43; i++ )
// buffer.add( zero );
// Analyze the whole file
while( !isInterrupted() )
// Grab and analyze data, add events
int ret = audio.GetPCM( pcm );
//Log.d( "AudioThread", "GetPCM returns: " + ret );
if( ret != MPG123.MPG123_DONE )
// Process the PCM data
if( bd.Process( pcm ) != BeatDetection.AUDALYSIS_OK )
Log.v( "AudioThread", "Beat Detection Error!" );
// Add the data to the PCM buffer
buffer.add( pcm );
// Play the audio
short[] data = buffer.poll();
if( data != null ) // If we have data left in the buffer
at.write( data, 0, 4096 ); // Write it to the audio track
break; // Otherwise we need to exit the loop
Log.d( "AudioThread", "BufferSize= " + buffer.size() );
// Debug message
Log.d( "AudioThread", "Exiting Thread." );
// Clean stuff up
That said, when I try to introduce a delay into my queue by adding "4 seconds" worth of 0's into the queue (Note the commented block), my music plays right away, but starts 4 seconds into the song and plays in realtime until the queue starts to empty where it plays the same chunk over and over until breaking out of the loop. It almost seems as if the queue is acting like a "First In Last Out" queue rather than a "First In First Out" queue.
Perhaps I'm not using a Java Queue correctly? Maybe this is some odd bug with the android AudioTrack?
EDIT - I solved the problem. It appears to be a problem with my JNI implementation of GetPCM. It appears that when I copied data into PCM from the JNI level, it set the same data for every instance of PCM pushed back into the queue, setting every PCM entry in the queue to the same frame of PCM data. I solved the problem by changing:
buffer.add( pcm );
buffer.add( pcm.clone() );
New Question: Is this normal Java behavior? Did I implement the JNI function incorrectly?
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_motalenbubble_projectlucid_MPG123_GetPCM(
JNIEnv* env,
jobject obj,
jshortArray data ) // jshortarray already has a size attribute
// Call mpg123_read
jint err = MPG123_OK, length;
jshort *pcm;
jsize len = (*env)->GetArrayLength( env, data );
pcm = (*env)->GetShortArrayElements( env, data, NULL );
err = mpg123_read( mh, (unsigned char*)pcm, len * sizeof( short ), &length ); // Read length is in bytes - we need in shorts.
(*env)->ReleaseShortArrayElements( env, data, pcm, 0 );
// Annoying logging
//dprintf(0, "read(%d): %s\n", length, err == MPG123_ERR ? mpg123_strerror(mh) : mpg123_plain_strerror(err));
return err;