Hi everyone ive created an application and i cant seem to connect it to the database, and my list view is empty when I run the application can you please help me with the code, the following code is for listview
Private Sub CircuitsLvw_BeforeLabelEdit(Cancel As Integer)
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
lblI.Caption = CircuitsLvw.ListItems(CircuitsLvw.SelectedItem.Index)
rs.Open "Select * from Circuits where Id = " & Int(lblI) & "", con, 2, 3
With rs
ReferenceNotxt.Text = !ReferenceNo
InstitutionNametxt.Text = !InstitutionName
FullNametxt.Text = !FullName
Contactstxt.Text = !Contacts
ItemNametxt.Text = !ItemName
SerialNumbertxt.Text = !SerialNumber
ProblemInfotxt.Text = !ProblemInfo
TechnicianNametxt.Text = !TechnicianName
CollectorNametxt.Text = !CollectorName
End With
End Sub