If you are using SQL 2005 or later, you can build your Calendar table on the fly using a common-table expression. In your original post, you are doing your date math on cu.date
but the alias cu
represents the Users table not the Orders table. I'm assuming that this was supposed to have been cp.date
? I.e., your description talks about order dates but your SQL uses a date in the Users table.
With OrderDateBoundaries As
Select Cast(DateDiff(d,0,Min([Date]))) As MinDate
, Cast(DateDiff(d,0,Max([Date]))) As MaxDate
From Orders
, Calendar As
Select MinDate As [Date]
From OrderDateBoundaries
Union All
Select DateAdd(d, 1, [Date])
From Calendar
Where [Date] <= DateAdd(d, 1, (
Select MaxDate
From OrderDateBoundaries
Select Calendar.[Date]
, Coalesce(Sum(O.ordersum) * 40 / 100 - 0.17,0) As OrderSum
, Count(*)
, RegistrationSite
From Calendar
Left Join (Users As U
Join Orders As O
On O.userId = U.UserId)
On Cast(DateDiff(d, 0, O.OrderDate) As datetime) =Calendar.Date
Group By Calendar.[Date], registrationsite
Option(MaxRecursion 0);
If it is the case that you do want to join on Users.Date
, then it is a simple change to do that . In addition, it is not clear from which table ordersum
is stored.
With DateBoundaries As
Select Cast(DateDiff(d,0,Min([Date]))) As MinDate
, Cast(DateDiff(d,0,Max([Date]))) As MaxDate
From Users
, Calendar As
Select MinDate As [Date]
From DateBoundaries
Union All
Select DateAdd(d, 1, [Date])
From Calendar
Where [Date] <= DateAdd(d, 1, (
Select MaxDate
From DateBoundaries
Select Calendar.[Date]
, Coalesce(Sum(O.ordersum) * 40 / 100 - 0.17,0) As OrderSum
, Count(*)
, RegistrationSite
From Calendar
Left Join (Users As U
Join Orders As O
On O.userId = U.UserId)
On Cast(DateDiff(d,0,U.Date) As datetime) =Calendar.Date
Group By Calendar.[Date], RegistrationSite
Option(MaxRecursion 0);