I'm currently trying to write a multiple-file Python (2.6.5) game using PyGame. The problem is that one of the files, "pyconsole.py", needs to be able to call methods on instances of other objects imported by the primary file, "main.py". The problem is that I have a list in the main file to hold instances of all of the game objects (player's ship, enemy ships, stations, etc.), yet I can't seem to be able to call methods from that list within "pyconsole.py" despite the fact that I'm doing a from pyconsole import *
in "main.py" before the main loop starts. Is this simply not possible, and should I instead use M4 to combine every file into 1 single file and then bytecode-compile and test/distribute that?
bash$ cat test.py
import math, distancefrom00
foo = 5
class BarClass:
def __init__(self):
self.baz = 10
def get(self):
print "The BAZ is ", self.baz
def switch(self)
self.baz = 15
bar = BarClass()
def main():
print distancefrom00.calculate([2, 4])
if __name__ == '__main__': main()
bash$ cat distancefrom00.py
import math
import test
def calculate(otherpoint):
return str(math.hypot(otherpoint[0], otherpoint[1]))+" (foo = "+str(test.foo)+"; "+test.bar.get()+")"
bash$ python test.py
The BAZ is 15
The BAZ is 10
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "test.py", line 24, in <module>
if __name__ == '__main__': main()
File "test.py", line 22, in main
print distancefrom00.calculate([2, 4])
File "/home/archie/Development/Python/Import Test/distancefrom00.py", line 8, in calculate
return str(math.hypot(otherpoint[0], otherpoint[1]))+" (foo = "+str(test.foo)+"; "+test.bar.get()+")"
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects
If my somewhat limited understanding of Python names, classes, and all that stuff is correct here, the NoneType means that the name test.bar.get()
- and thus, test.bar
- is not assigned to anything.