



I tried the Drupal form APIs and like it a lot. What stand-alone PHP classes exist that perform similar functions?

+1  A: is a pretty good php form builder class.

Handles all the usual form needs plus captcha, google map, jquery UI integration and some others.

wow. is it part of a larger framework as well?
TMP File guy
Does not appear to be so, seems to be its own project which incorporated Jquery UI. Only problem I have found with it is its lack of using for attribute on labels. I have posted on their google group about this but yet to receive a response. (it is a big deal for me at OSU because we have to be 508 compliant on all projects.)
I think i saw labels in the examples. I have requirement for client side mobile devices. Is the client-side javascript code optional/removable?
TMP File guy
Labels do come in examples but they do not use the for attribute to attach a label to a given form field. I will post an update if i figure out how or get response on google group.
I didn't like this class. Had too many limitations and I ended up having to hack it's source apart.
Josh Stuart