Hi all,
I am stuck on pagination in CakePHP 1.3. I am trying to paginate feePayment records based on certain criteria.
feePayments belongs to Students which in turn belongs YearGroups.
I want to paginate 'unpaid' feePayments for each year group. The problem I am having is that the SQL query seems to only take into account the conditions I specified for the FeePayment model and ignores the YearGroup criteria so only overdue unpaid records are returned regardless of the year group specified.
Here is my code:
function unpaidClass($id) {
$this->paginate = array(
'FeePayment' => array ('recursive' => 1, 'conditions' => array('FeePayment.status' => 'Unpaid', 'FeePayment.due_date <= ' => date("Y-m-d"))),
'YearGroup' => array ('recursive' => 1, 'conditions' => array('YearGroup.school_year' => $id))
$this->set('feePayments', $this->paginate());
Hope this makes sense, appreciate any help.