How can I enable wordpress pagination in my home page? I have limited the no. of posts shown in the page. Do I need to put any code to show the pagination?
regards - dj
How can I enable wordpress pagination in my home page? I have limited the no. of posts shown in the page. Do I need to put any code to show the pagination?
regards - dj
try using something similar to:
<div class="navigation">
<div class="alignleft"><? next_posts_link('« Previous') ?>
<div class="alignright"><? previous_posts_link('Next') ?>
Frabiacca has it right.
<?php next_posts_link($label , $max_pages); ?>
<?php prev_posts_link($label , $max_pages); ?>
Also remember that previous is actually WP speak for newer posts not older posts. can be a little confusing.