Hi all,
I'm tying to execute an R script from python, ideally displaying and saving the results. Using rpy2 has been a bit of a struggle, so I thought I'd just call R directly. I have a feeling that I'll need to use something like "os.system" or "subprocess.call," but I am having difficulty deciphering the module guides.
Here's the R script "MantelScript", which uses a particular stat test to compare two distance matrices at a time (distmatA1 and distmatB1). This works in R, though I haven't yet put in the iterating bits in order to read through and compare a bunch of files in a pairwise fashion (I really need some assistance with this, too btw!):
M1<-read.table("C:\\pythonscripts\\distmatA1.csv", header = FALSE, sep = ",")
M2<-read.table("C:\\pythonscripts\\distmatB1.csv", header = FALSE, sep = ",")
mantel.rtest(dist(matrix(M1, 14, 14)), dist(matrix(M2, 14, 14)), nrepet = 999)
Here's the relevant bit of my python script, which reads through some previously formulated lists and pulls out matrices in order to compare them via this Mantel Test (it should pull the first matrix from identityA and sequentially compare it to every matrix in identityB, then repeat with the second matrix from identityB etc). I want to save these files and then call on the R program to compare them:
# windownA and windownB are lists containing ascending sequences of integers
# identityA and identityB are lists where each field is a distance matrix.
z = 0
v = 0
import subprocess
import os
for i in windownA:
M1 = identityA[i]
z += 1
filename = "C:/pythonscripts/distmatA"+str(z)+".csv"
file = csv.writer(open(filename, 'w'))
for j in windownB:
M2 = identityB[j]
v += 1
filename2 = "C:/pythonscripts/distmatB"+str(v)+".csv"
file = csv.writer(open(filename2, 'w'))
## result = os.system('R CMD BATCH C:/R/library/MantelScript.R') - maybe something like this??
## result = subprocess.call(['C:/R/library/MantelScript.txt']) - or maybe this??
print result
print ' '