



I've been trying to get some RewriteRules working and am successful when just using for one host, but not multiple.

I'm wanting "" to point to "" or "", etc. Dir1 and Dir2 are as they contain a ProxyPass that points to the real domain. Here is what I have currently :

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/dir1
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /dir$1 [R]

<Location /dir1>

I can't get the dir2 Rules to work beside the ones above. I am wanting to make this dynamic if possible as their are about 70 folders and growing. "" is essentially a domain to point to my dev server to show dev content instead of prod content without having to modify the website code. Could anyone provide help?


I don't exactly understand what you're trying to do. If you want to map to (where nameofsite is a placeholder for whatever domain name you're using), you could use

RewriteRule ^/([^/]+)(/.*)$ http://$$2 [P]

and then you wouldn't have any need for the Location block.

David Zaslavsky

Not sure how to do just a reply, but I just wanted to clarify the issue. Using your Rewrite give my link a 404. Not sure if I just need a proper RewriteCond or whatnot. The my first rewrite above works fine for a single site proxy, but I want to add several more and I'm not sure how the rewrite rules need to work. At first I added a second rewrite block similar to the first, just pointed to a different site and when I attempt to access it at "", it rewrites it to "" and fails.