I have a for loop that loops through a list of messages. I'm trying to create a link for each message that has an onclick function that passes on some message properties to a popup:
for (var k = 0; k < messages.length; k++) {
var message = messages[k];
var lnkMessage = dojo.create("a", { innerHTML: FormatLogMessage(message.Message), className: "pointer", title: "View Message Info" }, divMessageBody);
//lnkMessage.href = "javascript:ShowLogPopup('" + message.LogTimeFormatted + "', '" + message.Message + "')";
dojo.connect(lnkMessage, 'onclick', this,
function() { this.ShowLogPopup(message.LogTimeFormatted, message.Message); }
The issue is that using this method with dojo.connect, the ShowLogPopup message popups always get passed the properties from the last message in the list. Any ideas on how I can get it to pass in the appropriate properties?