



Hi everybody,

I'm creating a Magento Module. Within the controller, I want to check if an admin is logged in or not. So the controller only will be accessible if there is a logged in admin.

I'm trying to use this code on my controller.

Mage::getSingleton('core/session', array('name' => 'adminhtml')); 
$session = Mage::getSingleton('admin/session');

// Use the 'admin/session' object to check loggedIn status
if ( $session->isLoggedIn() ) {
   echo "logged in";
} else {
   echo "not logged in";

but I always get "not logged in", even if I'm already logged in to the magento admin.

Can anybody help me to resolve this issue?? any help will be much appreciated. Thanks


That is really strange. I use almost exactly the same code and it works all the time:

//get the admin session
Mage::getSingleton('core/session', array('name'=>'adminhtml'));

//verify if the user is logged in to the backend
  //do stuff
  echo "go away bad boy";

Did you try var_dumping the $session variable? Maybe it will help you get on the right track...

yes, I did try var_dump the $session variable, there's something in that but seems there's no information about login status. What strange is, I tried this on another module, and it's work. Is there something to do with the module configuration file??