




hey guys, i'm doing a simple thingy in php and i wonder how i can test if the variable $path contains the following structure ../

so i'll simply have a ?path=somepath structure in my url, and if anybody would enter ../ it allows him to go one directory up. I know of course that that's not the best solution, however for my little thingy it's enough if i just test the $path variable for a string of "../" in it. if so die();

i'm not sure what's the best way to test that!

regards matt

+11  A: 

Instead of doing that, you could just call realpath() on it and check if the path it's supposed to be in is a prefix of that.

Even better, why not keep a whitelist and reject anything not in it?

Daniel Egeberg

to answer your question:

if(strpos($path,'../') !== false){
  die("dear hacker,

       plz leave me alone - i don't
       wanna play with you...

       [enter your name here]");
  // here comes the magic


but: you really shouldn't do so. if you wan't an easy solution, use a switch-statement for every possible $path and include the relevant file (or whatever you have to do).

Any reason for language ?
@RobertPitt: i don't want to offend somebody - i hope it's better now ;)
Replace down vote with +, its not offending to myself but others will find it unneeded for that post :), happy days
thank you. how could i test if the $path just starts with a slash? like ?path=/anything. actually in this case i wanna call a die(); however if ?path=anything/anything it should work.
egads.. I am imagining a switch statement for every path on most CMS systems.. how nightmarish... `RewriteMap` is waaaay easier.
Talvi Watia
i'm doing it like this now: if (substr($path, 0, 1) == "/" || substr($path, 0, 1) == "" || substr($path, 0, 2) == "./" || substr($path, 0, 3) == "../") { ...maybe there is an easier way, but it works.
talking to "hacker" is the stupidest thing a developer can do, no matter the language
Col. Shrapnel

I's an alternative solution that allow you to customize the url....

$arr= array(
  "register" => "register.php",
  "login" => "userlogin.php",
  "admin" => "adminlogin.php",
  "etc" => "otherpage.php",
if ( isset ( $_GET['path'] )    
    if ( array_key_exists( $_GET['path'] , $arr) ){
      //do some stuff... 
      include( $arr[$_GET['path']] );
      echo 'Page Not Found!';          
  echo 'Required Field Empty!';       

So calling index.php?path=admin page adminlogin.php will be included....

not really.. because (if php configured fine) `index.php?arr[ihack]=....` could be accessible by php only from `$_GET['arr']`... and `$arr` in php script wouldn't be replaced....
but even worse is SQLinjection `index.php?arr=?>DROP TABLE"` !!!
Talvi Watia
thats going to be a terrible mess to maintain such a list
Col. Shrapnel
sorry, but tell me how SQL hit the nail on the head... I really don't understand....
relax, it was just an ignorant comment
Col. Shrapnel
@marcx yes, it is possible to lose your database through `$_GET` see http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
Talvi Watia
@Talvi I never said that you can't lose db through $_GET. 1) sql doesn't belong to the arguments of this discussion. 2) if SQL was part of this discussion you simply use `mysql_real_escape_string` to sanitize the input and all the problems disapper :D
@marcx true - I was simply trying to point out other dangers of unsanitized input. my comment can be disregarded.
Talvi Watia

one of the easier ways is to harden your php.ini config, specifically the open_basedir directive. Keep in mind, some CMS systems do actually use ..\ quite a bit in the code, and when there are includes outside the root folder this can create problems. (i.e. pear modules)

Another method is to use mod_rewrite.

Unless you are using an include file to check each and every URL for injection from $_GET and $_SERVER['request_uri'] variables, you will open doors for this kind of attack. for example, you might protect index.php but not submit.php. This is why hardening php.ini and .htaccess is the preferred method.

Talvi Watia
mod_rewrite can help nothing
Col. Shrapnel
@col you cant be serious..
Talvi Watia
there is no difference between `index.php?arr=?>DROP TABLE` and /item/DROP TABLE/`. go figure
Col. Shrapnel