Hi all,
i have some scripts that need GET and POST values to start, and i wanna test them over shell.
Is there some way to pass the values to that arrays to avoid using getenv()
Thanks in advance!
Hi all,
i have some scripts that need GET and POST values to start, and i wanna test them over shell.
Is there some way to pass the values to that arrays to avoid using getenv()
Thanks in advance!
What you need is a wrapper script that sets the relevant globals and environment variables and then calls your script.
In command line you call as
php test.php something1 something2 something3
and your test.php is
and output is
[0] => test.php
[1] => something1
[2] => something2
[3] => something3
if your main goal is just to test from the command line, I would use the wget command and just call your script with the query string (for GET) and pass post data using the --post-data=string
parameter of wget (for POST).
If your goal is to not use a webserver at all for testing for some reason, I'd recommend using a wrapper and encapsulating your access to GET and POST data so that you can test it either way.
Try something like this:
if(php_sapi_name() == 'cli' && empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])){ // make sure we're running in CLI
$args = $argv; // copy the argv array, we want to keep the original for (possible) future uses
array_shift($args); // the $argv[0] is the filename, we don't need it
for($i = 0;$i < ($argc - 1);$i++){
list($key, $value) = explode('=', $args[$i]);
$_REQUEST[$key] = $value;
Of course, more features can be added by using getopts (like, --get abc=def ghi=jkl --post name=test passwd=test --cookie ilike=cookie) but that's up to you.
if(php_sapi_name() == 'cli')
function associateGetPost()
$_GET = $_POST = array(); //Reset
foreach($args as $id => $value)
if(substr($value,0,5) == '--get')
$_GET = parse_str(substr($value,5,-1))
}elseif(substr($value,0,6) == '--post')
$_GET = parse_str(substr($value,6,-1))
Something along those lines.