



My code(In PHP) is fetching Email, from Inbox wihich is in HTML format, and saving it in an HTML format. while fetching some Extra characters are added to the file. Example: the content in EMAIL Body

hi there

 1.      hi
 2. hello
 3. bye

but when fetched i get

hi there

1. =A0=A0=A0=A0 hi
2. hello
3. bye

I get extra characters like "=A0=A0=A0=A0". How to get rid of this?


I think, your mail body is in base64 format. Try to use this function: base64_decode

no, it's not working...the extra characters comes in place of spaces, like in the above example at 1. hi
Harish Kurup
i think that editor might be putting some special characters at space.. or some thing like that...
Harish Kurup