



Does anyone know how to implement'Optimal global and adaptive thresholding' algo?

If know, can please share with me.



Have a look at Otsu's method for choosing the global threshold based on image histogram.

public int OtsuThreshold(double[] histogram)
    double pr1, pr2, pr;
    int t = 0;
    double[] vet = new double[255];

    double major = -1;
    //int idx;
    for (int k = 1; k < Util.GrayLevels-1; k++)
        pr1 = HistogramProbability(0, k, histogram);
        pr2 = HistogramProbability(k + 1, Util.MaxGrayLevel, histogram);
        if(pr==0) pr=1;

        double result = Math.Pow((ImageMean(0, k, histogram) * pr2) - (ImageMean(k + 1, Util.MaxGrayLevel, histogram) * pr1), 2) / pr;
        if (result > major)
            major = result;
            t = k;

    //t = IMaior(vet,Util.GrayLevels);
    return t;

public double HistogramProbability(int start, int end, double[] histogram)
    if (start < 0 || end > histogram.Length)
        return 0;

    double p = 0;
    for (int i = start; i < end; ++i)
        p += histogram[i];

    return p;

public double ImageMean(int start, int end, double[] histogram)
    double mean = 0;

    if (start < 0 || end > histogram.Length) return 0;

    for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
        mean += i * histogram[i];

    return mean;

Sorry, I know there's a lot of source code here and some methods may be missing but if you follow it I'll see its not all that hard. Unfortunately I'm re-inventing the wheel (not using any library) but I hope the source here can help you write it in your language of choice.

This link can be useful

Also, if you have a library nearby (engineering or CS material) I recommend this book. It explain in a clear way how Otsu method works.

