Since this was re-opened, I'll post here my answer, as promised.
TL;DR version If it were not required to qualify a member access, there would be not only performance penalties, but the same line of code could simultaneously signify a field access and a local variable access, depending on the code path.
Full version
In PHP, there's always one symbol table active at the table. This is either the global symbol table or a function/method local symbol table (which by the way, are lazily built). Superglobals and optimizations like compiled variables aside, when a variable $var
is requested, it is looked up in the current symbol table. Since the object properties live not on the symbol tables, but instead on either in the objects (the instance properties) or the structure associated the class (the static properties), a lookup for $var
can never return a property.
To bring a given variable to the function scope, you must explicitly signal your intention by creating a reference. Examples:
$myglobal = 7;
class A {
private $prop;
public function meth() {
global $myglobal; //bring a global to the current scope
$prop =& $this->prop; //brings a property to the current scope
$local = 4;
$lambda = function () use (&$local) { };
Obviously, this is just a more sophisticated way to phrase what currently happens. The question is why this behavior?
After all, in Java we only have to type this.prop
when there's a local variable called prop
hiding the property. Why is this not a good option for PHP?
I can think of several reasons.
The object properties are determined at runtime
PHP has something called "dynamic properties". You can assign new properties to objects at runtime. In fact given two objects of the same class, one can have a given property $a
and while the other doesn't. Example:
$obj1 = new stdClass();
$obj2 = new stdClass();
$obj1->a = 7;
In PHP, the defined local variables are determined at runtime
Variables do not have to be declared; consequently, depending on the code path, at some point a variable may or may not be defined. To add insult to the injury, we also have the monster called "variable variables". Example:
class A {
private $g = 3;
public function func($varname) {
if (rand(1,2) == 1) {
$g = 4; //no block scope; the scope is the function's
$$varname = 5; //god knows what's happening here
//if local variables hid properties, we'd have trouble
In Java, a given identifier may also represent, inside the same function, a local variable and a property, but:
- Not within the same block (in PHP, all blocks in a function share exactly the same scope).
- You get a warning if you're hiding a property.
- Crucially, in any given occurrence of an identifier, it's either a property or a local variable, it can't sometimes be one and other times the other.
Owing to these facts, it would be impossible to determine at compile time if $var
referred to a local variable or to a property. Consequently:
- At runtime, every time a variable occurred, it would have to looked up first in the local symbol table, then in the instance properties table, and finally in the static properties list, or any other order (since there can't be an instance and a static property with the same name and static properties need to be declared, there would be some optimization potential here, but the point stands). This means a symbol would have, in the worst case, would have to be looked up in three different places. This is bad from a performance perspective.
- A given symbol occurrence could mean different things on different occasions. This is a recipe for disaster.