hi, i am confused on why it doest not split the string? my array of string exp does not contain anything when i debug it is the split wrong?what i am trying to do is to split a very simple expression like 1+2+3 and then parse the values, doing a calculator.
EDIT hi, why i am splitting on each character is because i am doing a calculator, and have read something about converting infix to postfix,so i need to split the string and then loop through each of the string and do the checking as shown below,however when i debug it shows the exp[] is empty
For each token in turn in the input infix expression:
* If the token is an operand, append it to the postfix output.
* If the token is an operator A then:
o While there is an operator B of higher or equal precidence than A at the top of the stack, pop B off the stack and append it to the output.
o Push A onto the stack.
* If the token is an opening bracket, then push it onto the stack.
* If the token is a closing bracket:
o Pop operators off the stack and append them to the output, until the operator at the top of the stack is a opening bracket.
o Pop the opening bracket off the stack.
When all the tokens have been read:
* While there are still operator tokens in the stack:
o Pop the operator on the top of the stack, and append it to the output.
// the main class
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
calcExpChecker calc = new calcExpChecker("1+2+3+4");
//the class
package javaapplication4;
import java.util.*;
public class calcExpChecker {
private String originalExp; // the orginal display passed
private boolean isItLegitExp; // the whole expression is it legit
private boolean isItBlank; // is the display blank?
private StringBuilder expression = new StringBuilder(50);
private Stack stack = new Stack();//stack for making a postfix string
calcExpChecker(String original)
originalExp = original;
//check for blank expression
public void isitBlank()
isItBlank = true;
isItBlank = false;
//check for extra operators
public void legitExp()
String[] exp = originalExp.split(".");
for(int i = 0 ; i < exp.length ; i++)
else if(exp[i].matches("[+]"))
if (!stack.empty())
public void displayPostfix()