



New Android developer here. I'm following a tutorial at The first applications (does temperature conversion) works. The second (does preferences and uses a menu) one never shows up. I've tried using both Helios and Galileo. I've tried re-installing Android SDK. I've tried removing the test device and re-creating it. Others say this tutorial works.

When the other app works, it doesn't get the two lines "No Launcher activity found!" and "The launch will only sync the application packages on the device."

What I see:

...] Android Launch!
...] adb is running normally.
...] No Launcher activity found!
...] The launch will only sync the application package on the device!
...] Performing sync
...] Automatic Target Mode: using existing emulator 'emulator-5554' running compatible AVD 'TestDevice'
...] Uploading onto device 'emulator-5554'
...] Installing
...] Success!
...] \\bin\ installed on device
...] Done!

Feel free to criticize my forum etiquette: I'm new to this forum.


Russ Bateman

+2  A: 

Here's the answer, which I had to find elsewhere. It seems that you must have the following element:

    <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

inside your AndroidManifest.xml file. Once I added this, then right-clicked on the project name to launch the Android Application, the app then showed up in the menu panel.

Eclipse put this (intent-filter) element there for my first experimental application, but it did not do me the favor for the second one I created, which I'm still debugging for yet other (and probably Eclipse-related) reasons. (I probably filled something out wrong when creating the new Android project.)

Russ Bateman
Russ Bateman
@Russ Bateman: If you don't like how this works, maybe SO is not the right site for you. Other users have exactly the same problem. I don't know what the minimum reputation is for posting unlimited numbers of links but it cannot be much. Try to participate, give good answers to other questions and your reputation will rise.
Felix Kling