Currently I have a text object that I need to determine its bounds. I used to use the graphics object to obtain the font metrics of the text I am trying to draw, but since I added functionality to rotating the object(and possibly more) I need a better way to get the bounds of this object. I have looked multiple places and nothing has really worked for me as of yet. Here is my most current attempt:
//This is the bounding box edges 0: left, 1: right 2: top 3: bottom
int toReturn[] = new int[4];
//this.transform is the AffineTransform for the text Object(currently only
FontRenderContext frc = new FontRenderContext(this.transform,true,false);
TextLayout tl = new TextLayout(this.typedText,this.font,frc);
Rectangle2D bb = tl.getBounds();
toReturn[0] = (int)(bb.getX());
toReturn[1] = (int)(bb.getX()+bb.getWidth());
toReturn[2] = (int)(bb.getY());
toReturn[3] = (int)(bb.getY()+bb.getHeight());
Is this the proper way to get the bounding box for transformed text?