Hi SO.
I have this php login system, I had it working great on localhost, I bought a webhotel and now it doesn't work no longer, and i can't find where it goes wrong.
I get no errors.
The login page is in index.php, and when you sign in, and if everythings ok (no errors/wrong pw etc.) then you will be redirected to home.php.
This is not the case. When I log in, it just refreshes the index.php and outputs this at top:
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (httpd.www/oBz/index.php:2) in httpd.www/oBz/index.php on line 221
on line 221 there's: header("Location: home.php");
ok, so i went to home.php manually by enter in the address. Now in home.php I have this at top:
include 'dbc.php';
page_protect checks if there's any sessions set or cookie(remember me), but if something has been set you will see the content "HELLO WORLD" else you wont.
But right now when i enter home.php I just receive this:
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at httpd.www/oBz/dbc.php:29) in httpd.www/oBz/dbc.php on line 69
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at httpd.www/oBz/dbc.php:29) in httpd.www/oBz/dbc.php on line 69
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at httpd.www/oBz/dbc.php:29) in httpd.www/oBz/dbc.php on line 117
Line 69 theres session_start()
, and it's the first line in the function page_protect()
line 117 theres header("Location: index.php")
and is there to redirect if you are not logged in(session set/cookie set)
Hope i provided information enough, if not just comment what you need, and i'll try my best to provide it to you..
Thank you
Here is dbc.php: http://phpbin.net/x/999009567
**index.php where you log in and where the session sets http://phpbin.net/x/1564167411
**UPDATE: I now solved the header warning/errors but that was not the solution for the session issue!
**UPDATE: phpbin.net/x/25857430 the updated dbc.php, all the html that was in the dbc.php previously is in a new file top.php. I include the top.php file AFTER the doLogin function section in index.php, so there doesnt get any errors with the headers..
***UPDATE: The problem is somewhere here: http://phpbin.net/x/557713701 thats why its redirecting me to index.php all the time