Is it possible to add ajax to the struts2 tags ,textfeild or checkbox in jsp page using DOJO ? if yes how ?
Or if not what library should i use to apply ajax to single textField ?
Is it possible to add ajax to the struts2 tags ,textfeild or checkbox in jsp page using DOJO ? if yes how ?
Or if not what library should i use to apply ajax to single textField ?
Take a look at the Struts2 jQuery Plugin.
This contains an AJAX Textfield Tag for Struts2.
To use DOJO, First of all add the DOJO tag directive like this
<%@ taglib prefix="sx" uri="/struts-dojo-tags"%>
and then add the following line in the head part of your JSP
<sx:head debug="false" cache="false" compressed="true" />
Then listen the event from the struts tag on which you want to apply the ajax as follows
<s:radio label="Radio" name="rad" list="list2"
onchange="show_details();" ></s:radio>
catch this event in javascript and publish the topic as follows
function show_details() {
And listen the published topic on the same JSP by struts div tag
<sx:div showLoadingText="false" id="details" href="DetailAction" theme="ajax"
listenTopics="show_detail" formId="frm_demo"></sx:div>
The argument "show_detail" in the script call and div tag's listenTopics attribute should match exactally. That div will listen the topic and pick up the href attribute and matches with the action in struts.xml
<action name="DetailAction" class="ajaxdemo.action.DetailAction">
It will call your action class ajaxdemo.action.DetailAction
and selects the values according to the value given by radio button and renders the following JSP Detail.jsp
<%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags"%>
<s:if test="lstList != null">
<s:select list="lstList"></s:select>
and places the out put where you have defined your div tag in your main JSP
You can also view the detail example on java-tale.blogspot.com