




I want to reboot targeted phone by SMS. Is it possible? How can we implement this?

+1  A: 

Your problem has two core parts. Can you reboot the phone programatically? Can you write a program to intercept incoming SMS? If you answered YES to both of your question, it is possible to do this.

I am not a Android developer but i think this should be quite possible.

take a look @ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1732537/android-sms-intercept-without-notification-icon-or-wap-push-messages and http://mobiforge.com/developing/story/sms-messaging-android

I think BroadcastReceiver is the one you are looking for.

I have no idea whether you can programatically reset the android phone using java... Someone else might answer you about that

EDIT: I guess according to the link Bill has posted, 3rd party applications are not permitted to do a reset

Ranhiru Cooray
K.. We can't reboot but can we switch off android phone programmatically ??
@Kanika: I honestly do not know whether it is possible as I am not an Android developer :(
Ranhiru Cooray
+5  A: 

According to this Android Developers thread on Google Groups, third party applications don't have permission to reboot the device.

Bill the Lizard
+1  A: 

If you mean by having an app waiting for a specific text, then only on a rooted phone.

Ranhiru's link tells you how to get the text without it giving a text notification. If your phone isn't rooted, then programs don't have access to functions like that. If it's rooted, I can't say exactly how to do it, I haven't tried yet, but have a look for the source of apps like quickboot, a lot of them have it all publically available on code.google.com

k..whatever i came to from google search is we can't reboot our phone programmatically until it is rooted.
But can anyone please explain is it possible to switch off our phone programmatically instead of reboot ?Please reply fast.

For the record, it IS possible to intercept SMS messages on a stock Android phone - I've written a little app which pops up a Toast when I get a text rather than having to go in to the messages app.

It's NOT possible to perform a normal shutdown/reboot/??? without rooting the phone or being Google (at least, convinving the phone you're Google) but that would be a violation of the developer agreement.

In fact, you will find huge barriers in your way if you try to do anything to the OS or any other app - Which is usually a good thing
