I've got a dashboard that namespaces the context for each dashboard item. Is there a quick way I can set all the values of a dictionary to the keys in a template?
I want to reuse templates and not always namespace my variables.
My context can be simplified to look something like this:
"business": {"businesses": [], "new_promotions": []},
"messages": {"one_to_one": [], "announcements": []
So in a with statement I want to set all the business items to be local for the including. To do this currently I have to set each variable individually:
{% with %}
{% set businesses = business["businesses"] %}
{% set new_promotions = business["new_promotions"] %}
{% include "businesses.html" %}
{% endwith %}
I tried:
{% with %}
{% for key, value in my_dict %}
{% set key = value %}
{% endfor %}
{% include "businesses.html" %}
{% endwith %}
But they only have scope in the for loop so aren't scoped in the include...