I'm still very new to Object Oriented programming and am having problems with the class inheritance and the scope of variables from one instantiated class to another.
I'm trying to build an android application that can read multiple XML feeds and save them to the phone's SQLite database. Each feed has a different name ("news", "audio_mixes" etc.) and I want to use these names to save each feed's data into separate database tables - each one named after the feed title.
In diagrammatic terms this is what my classes look like:
The Main activity displays two buttons each of which starts an activity - both of which are instances of the TitlesBrowser class. Extras are used to pass different values of the_url and the_feed_type variables.
public void onCreate(final Bundle icicle) {
this.getNewsButton = (Button) findViewById(R.id.get_news_button);
this.getNewsButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(final View v) {
Intent doGetNews = new Intent(Main.this, TitlesBrowser.class);
doGetNews.putExtra("the_url", Main.this.getString(R.string.titles_url));
doGetNews.putExtra("the_feed_type", Main.this.getString(R.string.news_type_var));
this.getMixtapesButton = (Button) findViewById(R.id.get_mixtapes_button);
this.getMixtapesButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(final View v) {
Intent doGetMixtapes = new Intent(Main.this, TitlesBrowser.class);
doGetMixtapes.putExtra("the_url", Main.this.getString(R.string.titles_url));
doGetMixtapes.putExtra("the_feed_type", Main.this.getString(R.string.mixtapes_type_var));
The TitlesBrowser class, in its onCreate method, gets the Extras and saves them to private local variables.
Intent i = getIntent();
private String theUrl = (String) i.getStringExtra("the_url");
private String theFeedType = (String) i.getStringExtra("the_feed_type");</pre>
This class does two things,
1/ it creates an instance of the DatabaseHelper class, and uses a public set method in that class to pass on the value of the locally help theFeedType variable. Having done that it queries the database for any existing data (the theFeedType is the name of each table)
db=new DatabaseHelper(this);
dbCursor=db.getReadableDatabase().rawQuery("SELECT _ID, id, title FROM "+theFeedType+" ORDER BY id", null);
2/ then it loads new data from the feed URL by instantiating another class HTTPRequestHelper :
HTTPRequestHelper helper = new HTTPRequestHelper(responseHandler);
helper.performPost(theUrl, theFeedType);
The HTTP requests work fine, and depending on which of the two buttons is clicked, each of the two different activities display the appropriate XML (i.e. retrieve the correct data) - therefore I know that theUrl and theFeedType variables are local to each instance of the TitlesBrowser class. One calls:
and the other one:
The problem is with the DatabaseHelper class:
public class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
private static final String DATABASE_NAME="baroquedub.db";
private String table_name;
public DatabaseHelper(Context context) {
super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, 1);
public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
"id INTEGER, " +
"title TEXT, " +
"details TEXT, " +
"picture TEXT, " +
public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
android.util.Log.w("Baroquedub", "Upgrading database, which will destroy all old data");
db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS mixtapes");
public void setTableName(String theName){
this.table_name = theName;
I would expect it to create a new table each time it is instantiated (whether "news" or "audio_mixes" was passed from its parent TitlesBrowser class.
But it only works once - if I start the application and click on "news" a table called news is created and each time I return to that activity it successfully retrieves data from that same database.
But if I then start the other activity by clicking on the other button (i.e access the other feed) I get an SQL error telling me that a database of that name doesn't exist. In other words the onCreate db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE... method doesn't appear to get called again.
It's as if multiple copies of the DatabaseHelper class aren't being created, although there are two instances of TitlesBrowser.
-- Here's a demonstration of the problem:
This has been really tricky to explain (especially for a newbie!!!) and I hope it makes some sense. I'd be very grateful for any help, advice or guidance.