




I use cffile action="Upload", and it works just fine for smaller files. But yesterday, I tried uploading a 42Meg pdf and it just sat there all night long.

Q: Is there something I should know regarding uploading larger files? I define larger as: the one that sat there all night long and never timed out and never uploaded. For instance, is there a cflib or Riaforge routine that was written to handle larger files?

Right now I'm at version 8 at hosting.com.

+3  A: 

Check the maximum post size set in ColdFusion Administrator. If it is set lower than 48 MB then you would have issues. I have uploaded much larger (200+ MB) with standard cffile with no issues.

Daniel Sellers
+3  A: 

In addition to the file upload limits in CF, most web servers (Apache, IIS, etc) have an upload limit. Check that as well.

Ben Doom
My host has a 50 second timeout.
+2  A: 

You can change setting in CFadministrator > settings > Request Size Limits
