



hi, I'm currently using Open Flash Chart 2 on my django website, but I find it insufficiently customizable. (It's great when you want the usual barcharts, piecharts, but what about homemade shapes...). Although it's open source, I don't feel like diving in the Flex code.

I'm thinking a lot about matplotlib but the documentation is rather poor on web application developpment.

Does anybody uses matplotlib in his web app? I would appreciate links on those web sites to figure out what can be achieved. Thanks

+2  A: 

I have never used matplotlib, but how about using Google's Chart API for charts?

That looks like it would be a *lot* nicer than trying to generate images with matplotlib...
Wayne Werner
+1  A: 

If you're looking for flash-like interactivity in a web application, matplotlib probably isn't what you're looking for. It's fine for rendering a static image to serve out in a web app, though. (and is amazingly flexible)

However, there's been a lot of recent development on making matplotlib more oriented toward web interactivity. Take a look at the new HTML5/Canvas backend. It's not quite finished yet, but it's worth playing around with, anyway.

Joe Kington
+1 from me; no idea about the HTML 5/Matplotlib project, though i'm really pleased to see it.