I'm trying to use Ghostscript and/or ImageMagick to convert each page of a Postscript document into PNG images. The problem is that both produce images that are way too saturated (I think that's the right terminology).
Here are the commands I'm trying:
gs -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=png16m -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -sOutputFile=page_%02d.png brochure.ps
convert brochure.ps im_page_%02d.png
This is the input Postscript file (brochure.ps from above)
Here's a couple of the output images I'm getting:
As you can see (especially on the page with the big green map of New Hampshire), the colors of the output PNGs are too bright/saturated. How can I prevent the colors from being changed so much and get a more accurate conversion?
Preview in OS X 10.6 automatically does a very accurate conversion to PNG when you open a Postscript file in it. This leads me to believe there is just something screwy with the way ghostscript converts ps->png (I'm fairly confident ImageMagick is just a wrapper for ghostscript for this operation). Is there a tool besides ghostscript I should be using instead?
Note: As pipitas points out below, the visible difference of colors varies by OS. It is very obvious in OS X 10.6, but apparently not very noticeable in Windows XP.