
What is the best way on python 2.3 for windows to execute a program like ghostscript with multiple arguments and spaces in paths?

Surely there is some kind of abstraction that allows for this? This is essentially the command cmd = self._ghostscriptPath + 'gswin32c -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=tiffg4 -r196X204 -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -sOutputFile="' + tifDest + " " + pdfSource + '"' os.popen(cmd) this way looks really dirty to me, there must be some ...

Ghostscript PDF -> TIFF conversion is awful for me, people rave about it, I alone look sullen.

My stomach churns when I see this kind of output. and this was my command as suggested by gswin32c.exe -q -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=tiffg4 -sOutputFile=a.tif a.pdf -c quit What am I doing wrong? (commercial products will not be considered) ...

On Ghostscript: Fastest way to create a blank .tif document

A legacy backend requires the email body with a .tif document, no tif and it fails. So i need to generate a blank .tif, is there a fast way to do this with ghostscript? edit: make once in project installation use when i need it. ...

Validating a Postscript without trying to print it?

Saving data to Postscript in my app results in a Postscript file which I can view without issues in GhostView, but when I try to print it, the printer isn't able to print it because it seems to be invalid. Is there a way to validate / find errors in Postscript files without actually sending it to a printer? Preferred would be some kind ...

Why doesn't my CID (type 11) font work in GS8.61 on Windows

I have a customer in Macau that uses Windows EUDC for custom Big5 glyphs. I used Fontforge on Linux to convert the .TTE into a type 11 (CID type 2) font and created a custom CMap to map the Big5 code points to the correct glyph in the font. This all works fine and dandy in GS8.60 on Windows and GS8.61 - GS8.63 on Linux. When loading t...

Ghostscript PDF -> TIFF throws an untrappable exception, when consuming files with asian fonts

Ghostscript curls up and dies, throwing an exception to stdout which I cannot catch and log. I am pretty sure it gets sick when I give it asian fonts. Has anybody backed into this problem and solved it? ...

Ghostscript and high resolutions?

Hi! I am writing a script that reads some markup data, generates a tex document and converts it to a png image. As long as I use a resolution up tp 286 px/inch everything works fine. Unfortunately GhostScript, which I use to create picture data, does nothing when I use higher values. How can I fix this behaviour? ...

Ghostscript: Spliting large PDF causes a "pdfmark destination page" error

I am trying to split a PDF into 2 smaller PDF's using gs (Ghostscript version 8.62 on Debian Lenny). I only have Debian Linux on hand, so please don't offer Windows or Mac solutions. When specifying -dLastPage=740, I receive the error: GPL Ghostscript 8.62: ERROR: A pdfmark destination page 1203 points beyond the last page 740. I ha...

Need help/answers on PDF color seperation

Using the following process: A PDF is been created by PDFCreator, when a user prints something to the virtual printer The PDF gets further processed with integrated VBScript handler and passed over to JAVA which does some processing with the PDF content In the middle of the process an external application is called with the PDF that ad...

using imagemagick or ghostscript (or something) to scale PDF to fit page?

I've been bashing my head against this to no avail. I need to shrink some large PDFs to print on an 8.5x11 inch (standard letter) page. Can imagemagick/ghostscript handle this sort of thing, or am I having so much trouble because I'm using the wrong tool for the job? Just relying on the 'shrink to page' option in client-side print dial...

ImageMagick/Imagick convert PDF to JPG using native PHP API

I’m attempting to convert PDF files into PNGs. It works great from the command line (I do have GhostScript 8.64 installed). But from PHP I’m having a problem: code: $im = new Imagick($pdf_file); // this is where it throws the exception below output: Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘ImagickException’ with message ‘Postscript delegate...

Converting a PDF to PNG

I'm trying to convert a PDF (at least the cover of one, I'm successfully extracting the first page of the PDF with pdftk) to a PNG. I'm using imagemagick to do the converstion: convert cover.pdf cover.png This works, but unfortunately the cover.png comes through incorrectly rendered (some of the alpha object in the PDF aren't rendered...

Converting a multiple-page PDF to a single image

I'm attempting to convert a PDF into a single image using GhostScript. Only the first page is converted, while my intention is to generate a horrendously tall PNG/JPG image with all the pages concatenated together. These are the parameters I'm currently passing to the GhostScript DLL (via a .NET application): pdf2img -dNOPAUSE -dBATC...

GhostScript command line parameters to convert EPS to PDF

Just installed GhostScript 8.54 for Windows. Does anyone know of the minimum parameters to pass to gswin32c.exe to make it convert, say, someFile.eps to someFile.eps.pdf? ...

ghostscript: numbering pages via command line

Hi! a question (maybe silly, maybe not) In windows, used a grafical frontend to ghostscript free pdf fill tools - one tools of this frontend, makes you able to stamp numbers on pages of a pdf, choosing size, position, font... and so on... Now I switched to linux, I have ghostscript, so, I think, I'm able to do ...

Ghostscript Multipage PDF to PNG

I've been using ghostscript to do pdf to image generation of a single page from the pdf. Now I need to be able to pull multiple pages from the pdf and produce a long vertical image. Is there an argument that I'm missing that would allow this? So far I'm using the following arguments when I call out to ghostscript: string[] args ={ ...

Convert a PDF to a Transparent PNG with GhostScript

Hi all. I am attempting, unsuccessfully, to use Ghostscript to rasterize PDF files with a transparent background to PNG files with a transparent background. I've searched high and low for questions from others attempting the same thing and none of the posted solutions, which as far as I can tell come down to specifying -sDEVICE=pngalpha,...

Generate Thumbnails with PHP for a wide range of file formats

Hi All I have had a client request on a upload facility for his clients, but after upload that a image thumbnail to be created. All normal images are ok but he his talking about .psd, .pdf, .eps, .ppt Having a good look around I think wih imagemagick & ghostscript will cater for most of these but I cant find a solution of PPT or EPS. ...

GhostScript removes image when ColorConversionStrategy is set to sRGB

Hi everyone, we have a lot of print ready PDFs that we want to downsample to a smaller size that are suitable for online downloads. I am using GhostScript like this: "C:\Program Files\gs\gs8.64\bin\gswin32c.exe" -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -dPDFSETTINGS=/screen -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile="c:\gs_out.pdf" -f "c:\6916_DE.pdf" The pro...

Ghostscript: Converting PDFs to images with auto-color/b&w detection?

I'm using GhostScript to convert PDF files into images for printing. Right now my method is to convert the PDF file to tiffg4 at 600dpi and then send those to the printer. I need to find a way to detect if the PDF has color pages or not and convert those color pages to something like PNG16m while the B&W pages get converted to tiffg4. ...