
Strange issue -- PHP / ImageMagick / Ghostscript

Hi All, This question was close, but doesn't do the trick. I am trying to convert a pdf into a jpg (for thumbnailing). Here is the command I am running: convert -quality 100 -density 200x200 /path/file.pdf /path/file.jpg I have mamp pro 1.7.2,imagemagick, ghostscript all properly installed and working. This command works perfectly fr...

Using ps2pdf on EPS files with PNG used for bitmaps?

We're currently using ps2pdf to convert EPS files to PDF. These EPS files contain both vector information (lines and text) and bitmap data. However, by default ps2pdf converts the bitmap components of these images to JPG as they're embedded within the PDF, whereas for the type of graphics we have (data visualisation) it would be much mo...

Using Ghostscript to convert PDF to JPEGs. The PDF contains some Dropshadow effects on Images. These shadows transfer as black areas onto the generated JPEG

So I'm working on a CMS module for a newspaper site. I'm enabling the editors with the option to upload a PDF of the entire newspaper, which will then be converted into a page-flipping digital online newspaper. The page-flipping trick is done with flash and is just an .swf that I use for all the editions. My problem is with the PDF 2 ...

GhostScript PDF Merging (Losing Editable Fields)

I'm using GhostScript to merge to PDFs into one PDF. One of the PDFs has textbox fields (editable fields) that I created in Adobe Acrobat Pro 9. When I merge these two PDFs with GhostScript I lose the textbox fields. Is there any way to merge these files (using GS or some other free linux software) that keeps the textbox fields intact? ...

C# Ghostscript Wrapper

Has anyone encountered a nice wrapper for GhostScript in C#. My specific use is to take postscript and turn it into a pdf ...

Imagemagick, Snow Leopard and PDF Conversion

Having difficulties with Imagemagick and Snow Leopard. Imagemagick was installed using the install script from here here. Everything builds and installs correctly. Imagemagick behave normally for all commands (that I can find) except when trying to convert a PDF. For example, $ convert my.pdf my.jpg Segmetation Fault I thought it ...

Ghostscript pdf2jpg - colours wrong?

Hi, I'm using the Ghostscript API from c#, to convert multipage PDF's to jpgs. My issue is with colour conversion. When I open the Source PDF in photoshop, and export to jpeg, each colour in each jpeg matches the colours of the original PDF perfectly. However, when I run the process through Ghostscript, the colour come out as differe...

How to make GhostScript PS2PDF stop subsetting fonts

I am using the ps2pdf14 utility that ships with GhostScript, and I am having a problem with fonts. It does not seem to matter what instructions I pass to the command, it insists on subsetting any fonts it finds in the source document. e.g -dPDFSETTINGS#/prepress -dEmbedAllFonts#true -dSubsetFonts#false -dMaxSubsetPct#0 Note that...

Get the layout mode (landscape or portrait) of a pdf from php/linux

Given a PDF, how can one get the layout mode of a PDF (or relative width/height) using a PHP lib or linux command line tool? Using which can set this variable on new PDFs, but for existing pdfs from adobe. Thought of converting pdfs to ps, or using gs in some other way ...

Ghostscript on Google App Engine?

Hello, Is it possible to call ghostscript on an App Engine project? I'd like to be able to perform some document conversion using gs (pdf to tiff in particular), and I am not seeing any specific documentation that either rules out this possibility or states how to pull it off. Thanks! Shaheeb R. ...

GhostScript font issues

I'm running GPL Ghostscript 8.70 (2009-07-31) on Windows XP. I have about 100 PDF files I've attempted to run through GS, but I'm having font-related issues on two separate groups of files from two different customers. I'm not sure if the issues could be related. Here are the two errors I receive: Loading Courier font from C:\Progra...

How to use ghostscript to convert PDF to PDF/A or PDF/X?

Is there a way to use ghostscript to convert PDF to PDF/A or PDF/X? I know it can be used to convert PDF to images, but I don't know if it can be used to convert PDF/A. What parameters should I use? ...

Ghostscript ERROR: /undefined in --get--

I'm trying to use Ghostscript in CentOS. When trying to issue the following Ghostscript command ghostscript -sDEVICE=pcx256 -r150x150 -sOutputFile=OUTPUT_FILE INPUT_PDF I am getting the following error: ESP Ghostscript 815.02 (2006-04-19) Copyright (C) 2004 artofcode LLC, Benicia, CA. All rights reserved. This software comes w...

Converting PDF to PostScript with GhostScript

I installed ghostscript and updated the appropriate path variables ... however, I'm getting an error when I try to execute this command: C:\PROGRA~1\gs\gs8.64\lib>pdf2ps mydocument.pdf Access is denied. Unable to open command line file Is this the right command? did I miss some configuration or path setting? Otherwi...

How to Use Ghostscript DLL to convert PDF to PDF/A

How to user GhostScript DLL to convert PDF to PDF/A. I know I kind of have to call the exported function of gsdll32.dll whose name is gsapi_init_with_args, but how do i pass the right arguments? BTW, i'm using C#. ...

getting ghostscript to take in files with spaces in their name (like something in "my documents")

I'm trying to run this command to use ghostscript (from java) but Whether with single quote ' or " or nothing at all I get an error Error: /undefinedfilename in ('c:\\Documents) gswin32c.exe -q -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=tiffgray -sOutputFile=C:\polter.tiff -r300 'c:\Documents and Settings\polter.pdf' -c quit any ideas? ...

ASP: Converting PDF to a collection of images on the server using GhostScript

Hello everybody, These are the steps I am trying to achieve: 1) Upload a PDF document on the server. 2) Convert the PDF document to a set of images using GhostScript (every page is converted to an image). 3) Send the collection of images back to the client. So far, I am interested in #2. First, I downloaded both gswin32c.exe and g...

Ghostscript compatibility question between 8.15 and 8.70

Hi, I was using ghostscript 8.15 for pdf rasterization on a x86_64 system. Now because of new features I want to switch to version 8.70. However, I noticed that Ghostscript made a note about supporting only 32 bit postscript integers in version 8.70. I don't quite understand how this could affect the behavior of my application and was ...

How to change background color of an eps file while converting it to jpeg or png

I am converting eps (Encapsulated PostScript) files to jpeg files with ghostscript. A sample command I use is: gswin32.exe -sDEVICE=jpeg -dJPEGQ=100 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -r600x600 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -dUseCIEColor -dEPSCrop -sOutputFile=”a.jpeg” b.eps The input eps files come with white backgrounds (I only have their clipping...

Font substitution in Ghostscript

Hi, Does anyone know if there is a way to do a global font substitution in Ghostscript. I can identify and substitute fonts on an individual basis using the font map but I would like to have it replace everything automatically if not found. I am using Ghostscript in an automated environment and would prefer to have the output be incor...