So I'm working on a CMS module for a newspaper site. I'm enabling the editors with the option to upload a PDF of the entire newspaper, which will then be converted into a page-flipping digital online newspaper.
The page-flipping trick is done with flash and is just an .swf that I use for all the editions. My problem is with the PDF 2 JPEG conversion.
These PDFs are done in Adobe InDesign CS4, and most of the times contain Images that have effects like Dropshadows or Bevels.
I initially tried my code out with PDFs that had only text or simple images in them.. and things worked fine. When I tried this out with more complex PDFs, which included rotated images with dropshadow effects, things got tricky.
Here is my ghostscript code:
$result=exec("gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=../ediciones/20090717/pages/page-%d.jpeg ../ediciones/20090717/20090717.pdf");
Here are all the links you'll need: