Just installed GhostScript 8.54 for Windows. Does anyone know of the minimum parameters to pass to gswin32c.exe to make it convert, say, someFile.eps to someFile.eps.pdf?
You use the ps2pdf program for that. This documentation states:
The usage for ps2pdf is
ps2pdf [options] input.[e]ps output.pdf
or, on Unix systems and some versions of Windows NT and OS/2
ps2pdf input.[e]ps
which is equivalent to
ps2pdf input.[e]ps input.pdf
So, locate ps2pdf on your system, and give either of those a try.
2009-04-24 11:20:30
Under Windows, ps2pdf and other utilities are located in C:\Program Files\gs\gs#.##\lib
as .bat and .cmd files. This isn't exactly obvious, especially if you're looking for .exe files.
2010-08-10 17:52:33
@arclight: what you say, is not necessarily true (but still helpful for some people). It all depends on what you chose when installing. A user (or his administrator) may have chosen a non-default path, or drive d:, when installing Ghostscript. and `c:\program files` is `c:\programme` on German installations. But you can overcome this by saying: *Usually, Ghostscript versions install into `%programfiles%\gs\gs#.##\*`*. Because %programfiles% is an environment variable that points to the default insta path on all locales, be it `c:\program files` or `d:\programme`...
2010-08-11 16:54:49
2010-08-11 17:36:24