I need to compare a very large number in php (30 digits long) with 2 numbers in my database. Whats a good way to do this? I tried using floats but its not precise enough and I don't know of a good way to use large numbers in php.
You could compare strings instead.
Depending on how you're fetching the data from the database, you may want to explicitly cast the integer to a string type in the SQL statement.
Other than that, there are several libraries in PHP that handle large integers, like BCMath and GMP.
Have you tried using string comparison? Just make sure every number is padded with zeroes.
mysql> select "123123123123123123456456456"<"123123123123123123456456457";
| "123123123123123123456456456"<"123123123123123123456456457" |
| 1 |
Justed test this up to 200+ chars, works like a charm.
Handling large numbers in PHP is done through either of two libraries: GMP or BC Math.
I haven't done this myself, so it may not be correct, but I think you'd have to take the string result from GMP or BC Math, and feed that into the query. Make sure you store your numbers as bigint.
Interestin fact: You might think BigInt would be limited to about 20 digits, and you'd be right, except for the fact that it has Mysql Magic:
You can always store an exact integer value in a BIGINT column by storing it using a string. In this case, MySQL performs a string-to-number conversion that involves no intermediate double-precision representation.
If they're -very- big, I'd compare them as strings even. First, if one is longer than the other, it wins. If they're the same length, compare digit by digit left-to-right - if two digits differ, the number with the bigger digit wins. This of course for Positive integers.