




I am using the verifydesign ant task.

I am trying to declare some dependencies in advance, which don't actually exist yet.

For instance:

<package name="packageA" package="tom.packageA">

<package name="packageB" package="tom.packageB"/>
<package name="packageC" package="tom.packageC"/>

The files in packageA right now only import classes from package B. But in the future they will import classes from package C.

Ant currently complains:

[verifydesign] Package name=packageA has a dependency declared that is not true anymore.  Please erase the dependency <depends>packageC</depends> from package=packageA

I want to set up the design.xml file specifying these dependencies in advance so that they are ready for the day when someone adds a dependency from A to C, and have Ant not complain and fail the build.

Is there any way to do this?