I hate ask stupid questions like this, but why doesn't my code do what I expect?
Java code in a main method:
String s = "\"The fat-dog [ruffus] @nd the stupid-cat [*mewzer*] don't like each other!\"";
String[] tokens = s.replaceAll("[\\x27]+", "").replaceAll("[^a-zA-z_\\x2D]+", " ").replaceAll("\\s+", " ").trim().split(" ");
for (String t : tokens)
System.out.println("Token: " + t);
This prints:
"The fat-dog [ruffus] @nd the stupid-cat [mewzer] don't like each other!"
Token: The Token: fat-dog Token: [ruffus] Token: nd Token: the Token: stupid-cat Token: [ Token: mewzer Token: ] Token: dont Token: like Token: each Token: other
Which is mostly correct, except for those damn brackets! Shouldn't they be replaced by the "[^a-zA-z_\\x2D]+"
expression? I even tried adding a replaceAll("\\[\\]"," ")
and then a replaceAll("\\x5B\\x5D"," ")
to no avail.
How can I get rid of these brackets? What is keeping them from being replaced in the three replace all statements I just mentioned?