I faced the same problem in the past. If you need more complex lists, consider creating your own parser by inheriting from ConfigParser. Then you would overwrite the get method with that:
def get(self, section, option):
""" Get a parameter
if the returning value is a list, convert string value to a python list"""
value = SafeConfigParser.get(self, section, option)
if (value[0] == "[") and (value[-1] == "]"):
return eval(value)
return value
With this solution you will also be able to define dictionaries in your config file.
But be careful! This is not as safe: this means anyone could run code through your config file. If security is not an issue in your project, I would consider using directly python classes as config files. The following is much more powerful and expendable than a ConfigParser file:
class Section
bar = foo
class Section2
bar2 = baz
class Section3
barList=[ item1, item2 ]