This answer is mostly just for fun, I don't suggest you use it.
Ruby lets you inspect the call stack in the form of a backtrace, but only when an exception is raised. So let's raise an exception and then stick out our arm and catch it before it goes to anyone else, and then: the backtrace is all ours!!
Then all you need to do is search the backtrace (an array) for any method calls to our method named "block", and count them.
class InspectBacktrace < Exception
def block
raise InspectBacktrace
rescue InspectBacktrace => e
level = e.backtrace.count { |x| x =~ /in `block'/ }
puts "from block #{level}"
block do
puts "from command line"
block do
puts "from command line"
block do
puts "from command line"
from block 1
from command line
from block 2
from command line
from block 3
from command line
Edit: I've since come across the Kernel#caller
method which just gives you the current execution stack with no hassles. So the following code might be acceptable, as long as you don't have two methods named "block" in the same file that call each other:
def block
level = caller.count { |x| x =~ /^#{ Regexp.escape(__FILE__) }:\d+:in `block'$/ } + 1
puts "from block #{level}"