HTMLText is displaying really strangely. I'm displaying a textField with htmlText provided through XML, and in this bulleted list it'll display the first line all on one line, keep going off the end of the textareas size (ie. not do multiline) until the last word of the bullet, then put that word at the start of the next line. And it'll put the last word on the next line no matter how long your bullet item is.
myField.htmlText = "<li>Seek the input of experts</li>;
Would output
'seek the input of
I've checked and this thread was similar however I've removed all my tweens to test and it hasn't had any effect.
Any ideas on what to do about this? I've tried these to no avail:
myField.htmlText = myString;
myField.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
myField.wordWrap = true;
Surely more people have had this problem - any ideas? Thanks heaps.