



I'm not sure it's relevant - but do you need to implement View.verifyDrawable? The docs aren't very clear as to when you need to do that.

startActivity will trigger an animation by default - which is probably what is forcing the view to refresh correctly. Another possible hack around this would be to trigger an empty animation of some sort.

Colin Stewart
Thanks for the suggestion, but after overriding that method I stepped throught the debugger and that method never called.

I was able to find a workaround for my case. I'm not sure it is the best way and I still don't know what is causing the behavior, but I was able to get what I wanted by calling notifyDataSetChanged() on my gallery's adapter.

If anyone has a better suggestion on how to solve the problem (mine seems like it might be a little overkill) or even a description of why this is happening, I would appreciate it... I am very curious about what is going on behind the scenes.
