I have a CSV in this below format
11000,Christopher,Nolan,MR.,Inception,25993,France,"Lefoullon,Paris",920,Director,*461-7755,33-461-7755,12175,"O'Horner, James",12300,"Glebova, Nathalie",,[email protected],Capital,NEW
In this link @Mark Byers and @R. Bemrose suggested String[] tokens = line.split(",(?=([^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*[^\"]*$)", -1);
But if you notice carefully in the above CSV, you will find a name with "O'Horner, James"
is causing problems and its throwing ORA-0917: missing comma
error. Is there a way to avoid it or the reg-ex has to be corrected?
Kinda confused :-o