





I have been using ROME for working with RSS. The class is possessing thousands of feed out of which some gives me errors. Here is the error details for some feeds while executing following line

new SyndFeedInput().build(new XmlReader(rssURL));

1. Error : Invalid XML: Error on line 5: The reference to entity "a.chrome.csi" must end with the ';' delimiter. Ref : h_p://diary-of-a-dog-walker.blogspot.com/ h_p://bravomediaweb.blogspot.com/

2. Error : Invalid XML: Error on line 106: The string "--" is not permitted within comments. Ref : ht_p://www.icomplete.com/blog ht_p://localtradesmen.tumblr.com

3. Error : Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: ht_p://www.wilsondan.co.uk/feed/ Ref : ht_p://www.wilsondan.co.uk/feed/ ht_p://www.hrmcoaching.com/feed/rss/

Can anyone suggest what is error and any possible solution?

There is a forum for RSS[ht_p://forums.sun.com/forum.jspa?forumID=532] in java forum but I could not find new post button. Also it is java.net project but there also forum is not created.

Thanks, Amit