In a folder I have random module files.
eg. "user.rb" that contains "module User", "customer.rb" that contains "module Customer" and so on.
I want to require all files and print out all module methods.
Here is my current code:
@@data_module_methods = []
# iterate through all files in the data folder
Dir[File.join(APP_ROOT, "data", "*.rb")].each do |file|
require file
# give me the module name from the filepath (so ./data/user.rb will give me User)
data_module_name = file.split("/").[](-1).split(".").[](0).capitalize
# ERROR: print all method names, HERE IT FAILS BECAUSE data_module_name is a string and not the module:)
data_module_name.instance_methods.each do |method|
@@data_module_methods << method
How could i do this?