



HI, I am developing a ASP.NET App and I want to add elmah. The problem I have is the the users login to the site and the only way I found to secure elmah is to authenticate users, not a specific user.

I am using ASP.NET MVC 2 and NET 4.

Any Ideas?

+2  A: 

You'll want to restrict the elmah.axd (assuming you're using the handler) to a specific user role. Not just all authenticated users.

<!-- Deny unauthenticated users to see the elmah.axd -->
<location path="admin/elmah.axd">
      <deny users="*" />
      <allow roles="Admins" />

Phil Haack has a good write up on the subject.

I Williams try it and let you know. I am not using autorización but a custom security model, i Williams let you know how it was
Jedi Master Spooky