



Actuality when i run tests they fails but i need to run them to get some .class files which are very important for my jar.

By default when test results fails , the jar is not build , could i add a setting in pom.xml which ignore that, so I can build the jar ignoring results from tests ?

I read something about "Maven Surefire Plugin" but I don't know how to use it...

+1  A: 

Or from command line

maven.test.error.ignore Yes Set this to true to ignore errors during testing. Its use is NOT RECOMMENDED, but quite convenient on occasion maven.test.failure.ignore Yes Set this to true to ignore a failure during testing. Its use is NOT RECOMMENDED, but quite convenient on occasion

Thanks a lot for your post, i added that part and it worked , any way, my problem was not solved because , the .class files which result after running tests now are missing... and i need those... somehow... even if test results fails
sorry i was wrong, removing "<maven.test.skip>true</maven.test.skip>" part i get the right results

mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true package skips the testing phase

to ignore test failures and keep maven from stopping you can add this to the section of the pom.xml:

Thanks a lot for your post, i added that part and it worked , any way, my problem was not solved because , the .class files which result after running tests now are missing... and i need those... somehow... even if test results fails
i added a new part to the answer regarding surefire plugin config for ignoring test failures...hope that helps..
`mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true package skips the testing phase`. **No it doesn't!**. You can't skip a phase by using a system property. What it does is set a flag that skips execution of the surefire:test mojo and the compiler:test-compile mojo (possibly others) :
the nitpicking award goes to.........seanizer ;)
That's not nitpicking, that's correctness. And all these answers suggesting to skip tests are incorrect anyway, they missed the point: the question is not about skipping tests, it's about ignoring tests failures.
Pascal Thivent

Use the maven option -Dmaven.test.skip=true

E.g. mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true

Thanks a lot for your post, i added that part and it worked , any way, my problem was not solved because , the .class files which result after running tests now are missing... and i need those... somehow... even if test results fails
This will skip the tests, the question is more about ignoring failures.
Pascal Thivent
Thanks for helping !
+1  A: 

The solution is:

mvn -fn clean install

execute mvn --help for advanced options

Here's the excerpt for -fn

 -fn,--fail-never         NEVER fail the build, regardless
                          of project result