I've the following strings which I would like to decode into different variables depending on the string
{"response":{"report":"fail","brand":"1.0","fail":{"message":"Invalid Number"}}}
{"response":{"report" : "pass", "brand" : "1.0", "payment" :{"paymentId":"4CA008DAAA41EC19C754EF"}}}
{"response":{"report":"fail","brand":"1.0","fail":{"message":"internal server problems."}}}
{"response" : {"report" : "pass", "brand" : "1.0", "email" :{"subject":"Notification","to":"[email protected]"}}}
I want to get one liner command or multiple command to fetch values into different variables.
Variable 1 = fail variable 2 = 1.0 variable 3 = Invalid Number
Variable 1 = pass variable 2 = 1.0 variable 3 = 4CA008DAAA41EC19C754EF
Variable 1 = fail variable 2 = 1.0 variable 3 = internal server problems.
variabl 1 = pass variable 2 = 1.0 variable 3 = Notification variable 4 = [email protected] ( since there are 2 values in the inner most {} )