I've moved on from trying to use OpenGL through Penumbra to trying to draw directly on a JPanel using its Graphics context.
This would be great, except I'm running into some trouble… I compile my code, and ~1 time out of 25, the graphic (it's a rectangle for the example) draws just fine. The other ~24 times, it doesn't.
Here's my code:
(def main
(let [frame (JFrame. "This is a test.")
main-panel (JPanel. (GridBagLayout.))
tpan (proxy [JPanel] [] (getPreferredSize [] (Dimension. 600 400)))]
(doto frame
(doto main-panel
:gridx 0 :gridy 0
:gridx 0 :gridy 1
(draw-line tpan Color/RED 250 250 50 50)))
The function draw-line
is below:
(defn draw-line [panel color x y w h]
(let [graphics (.getGraphics panel)]
(doto graphics
(.setColor color)
(.drawRect x y w h))))
I have no idea what is going on. At first I thought it was the refs I was working on, but then I took those out, and still have these problems. I've reset lein and slime/swank and emacs, too. I'm quite puzzled.
As usual, any help would be appreciated. I hope this is a question with an answer! Lately, I seem to be asking the impossible :)