So Rails doesn't have support for :through associations through a habtm relationship. There are plugins out there that will add this in for Rails 2.x, but I'm using Rails 3 / Edge, and only need the association for one particular model. So I thought I'd stump it out myself with the beauty that is Arel.
First, the models:
class CardSet < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :cards, :uniq => true
class Card < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :card_sets, :uniq => true
has_many :learnings, :dependent => :destroy
class Learning < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :card
I want to get all the learnings that belong to a particular card set, :through => cards.
This is what I have so far in my CardSet model:
def learnings
c = Table(Card.table_name)
l = Table(Learning.table_name)
j = Table(self.class.send(:join_table_name, Card.table_name, CardSet.table_name))
learning_sql = l.where(l[:card_id].eq(c[:id])).where(c[:id].eq(j[:card_id])).join(j).on(j[:card_set_id].eq(
which gives me (damn, Arel is beautiful!):
SELECT `learnings`.`id`, `learnings`.`card_id`, `learnings`.`user_id`, `learnings`.`ef`, `learnings`.`times_seen`, `learnings`.`next_to_be_seen`, `learnings`.`interval`, `learnings`.`reps`, `learnings`.`created_at`, `learnings`.`updated_at`, `card_sets_cards`.`card_set_id`, `card_sets_cards`.`card_id` FROM `learnings` INNER JOIN `card_sets_cards` ON `card_sets_cards`.`card_set_id` = 1 WHERE `learnings`.`card_id` = `cards`.`id` AND `cards`.`id` = `card_sets_cards`.`card_id`
which is oh so close to what I'm aiming for - just needs to add in the cards
table in the FROM part of the statement.
And there's my question: I've looked through the Arel source, and for the life of me I can't figure out how to add in another table.
As a sidenote, is there a better way to run the result from Arel (which usually returns an Arel::Relation, which I don't want) through ActiveRecord, other than rendering to sql and running the query with find_by_sql as I'm doing?