




I have the following Web Farm:

1. http: mydomain1.com port: 80
2. http: mydomain2.com port: 80
3. https: port: 443 SSL Certificate: myCertificate

In II7 when you select https binding, the host name will be disabled. I used the appcmd to bind the host name "admin.mydomain2.com" to the website.

appcmd set site /site.name:"admin" /+bindings.[protocol='https',bindingInformation='*:443:admin.mydomain2.com']

A new item was added to the bindings.

3. a. https: port: 443 SSL Certificate: myCertificate
   b. https: admin.mydomain2.com port:443 SSL Certificate: None

If for example I want to remove the first item (a), is it possible to assign a certificate to the second binding (b)?